Friday 18 February 2011

There was this day, when a little star (lets call it "X") got bored of the skies and thought  of going on a vrrrroooom... vvrrroooommm..... trip downtown. This little story was its ride along the GH(galactic highway)  on  19/02!!!

Down on earth, yet another star(let's call it "Y") waited in his crib... He waited and waited for the past 18 days but still coud'nt get over the regret of leaving his sweet little star up in the skies. every night he gazed up to see X shining alone... all alone. Y sent his coordinates of his location :

{ghy, assam, india, asia}
to little X above....

Meanwhile, X didnt seem to miss Y much.. but wen he got the coordinates, he just became restless.
So, he decided

"it was time to leave the skies"

And so vrrooommm vrrrroooommm he went along GH-37 which would straight away take him to the destination.

X was enjoying his journey... he was feeling so free at last... all around him he saw bountiful galaxies...and the highway path seemed pretty smooth.

But most importantly he had in his mind of meeting Y, finally after 18 days and that made him happier even more!!

X was filled with all happy thoughts and so his attention drifted away from the road..... he failed to notice a SUPERNOVA straight ahead on his path

He kept driving on.....

The GH patrol comets saw X from a distance and tried to send a distress call....but X was not paying attention.

So, one of the patrol comets rushed towards X and then......



The comet crashed on X so hard that he went flying off away from his path....

X finally landed on GH7... he got lost!!!!!

X didnt know what to do... he couldnt go back to his sky home!!!  so all he could do was move along the path.

He checked out for coordinates where GH7 would take him and his coordinate-machine beeped:

{nagpur, maharashtra, india, asia}

So he glided keeping his hopes high that

"someday he would find his way back to Y"

Back in Assam, Y watched the sky on 19/02/87... and saw X descending towards him....... suddenly crashing with a comet.... and then moving away from him.....

He tried to call out but he was still a 19 days old baby... so he could'nt

He just sighed and went off to sleep hoping

"someday he would find his way back to X"

And he knew, when he would finally meet X, he would make him feel special in every way he could.

So, to wish X on his birthday.... Y took up the task for wishing him for all the birthdays he ever missed!!!

and this is all for you.............................



 and while you move out of the mighty XXIII.......   I wish that you forever glow... and be loved.... and be happy.... and have lutzzzzz f adventures.....
and smile forever to keep my heart beating in the rhythm divine........

with lots of hugs,

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